You’d think that Shawn Boland’s excellent but unorthodox and profanity laced thoughts on Zen might confuse AI given the frequent use of metaphor and colorful explanations. There are countless Zen practitioners who never fully unpack all of this. So, I thought I’d feed the transcript of one (the one below) to the model to see if it could understand the talk - the result is impressive:

GPT-4: “This video transcript is about the practice of self-discovery and understanding one’s true nature through meditation and self-awareness. The speaker, Shawn, uses colorful language to describe the process of knowing oneself as a multifaceted and layered journey. He talks about the human tendency to label and categorize our attributes, which forms our ego. Shawn emphasizes that to truly know ourselves, we need to sit with the apparent emptiness behind thought and gradually unlearn our self-assigned attributes.

He explains that meditation can help weaken the binding power of thought and allow us to experience the spaciousness of our mind behind the thought plane. He also mentions that our experience of reality is subjective and illusory, influenced by our inner filing system that categorizes everything.

To practice self-awareness, Shawn recommends a simple meditation technique of focusing on one’s breath while letting thoughts dissolve as they arise. He also advises not to just listen to him or any other person on the internet, but to try the practice for oneself and adjust as needed.

For those who have experienced a glimpse of their true nature, Shawn suggests continuing to practice meditation to maintain and deepen their self-awareness, transforming their conceptual self into a more authentic version of themselves.”

I then asked GPT-4 what it thought about the presentation.

GPT-4: “The message in the video transcript revolves around the concept of self-awareness, understanding one’s true nature, and the role of the ego in shaping our perception of ourselves. It discusses the practice of meditation and its potential to help individuals become more in touch with their inner awareness, rather than getting caught up in thoughts and emotions.

The presenter uses colorful language and metaphors to convey these ideas in an accessible and engaging way. The overall message seems to be a call for individuals to explore their true nature, to “know thyself,” by engaging in practices like meditation that can help them transcend their ego-based perceptions and attachments.

While some may find the language and tone of the video to be irreverent or informal, the core message is a valuable one. Gaining self-awareness and understanding the role of the ego in our lives can lead to personal growth, self-acceptance, and a more balanced and fulfilling life. However, it’s essential to approach these practices with an open mind and a willingness to explore one’s inner world without judgment or expectation.”